We hope you will join us for an important event, helping people of faith to understand and repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery -- in a positive atmosphere of sharing and connecting across cultures.
What is the Doctrine of Discovery? A 500-year-old series of Christian edicts that violently deny the personhood of Indigenous peoples around the world.
Why does it matter today? The Doctrine still influences public and religious policy, with the US Supreme Court citing it as recently as 2005.
What's the purpose of this event? To support faith communities to learn about the Doctrine with guest speakers and group reflection, understand its real-life impacts on Indigenous peoples, and act with hope and courage to repudiate it.
How can we participate? Each faith community is invited to bring a group of 5 or so people. If possible, we welcome donations of $100 from each faith community.
Who will be speaking? Our guest speakers are Prairie Rose Seminole, Joseph McNeil, Jr., and Darren Renville.
How do I sign up? Our Eventbrite site is almost ready. More soon!
Who should I contact for more info? Rev. Karen Van Fossan, karenvanfossan @ gmail.com, 701.202.2421
We hope you can join us!
With gratitude,
Doctrine of Discovery Event Planning Group: Darren Renville, Karen Van Fossan, Kelly Noack, Martin Avery, Scott Mathern-Jacobson, and Vicki Schmidt